Audio Recordings


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The Lost Alive II Album and Alive II Demos (1977)

The Lost Alive II Album:
Detroit Rock City
Take Me
Ladies Room
Do You Love Me
Makin' Love
I Want You
God Of Thunder
Cold Gin
Shout It Out Loud
Rock And Roll All Nite

Alive II Demos:
Larger Than Life
Rocket Ride
All American Man
Anyway You Want It
Rockin' In The USA

Professionally recorded, readily mixed and mastered the material was obviously planned as the official ALIVE II release. Rumors say that recordings were done at Tokyo's Budokan Hall during the 1977 Tour.  The project was then cancelled and one year later the well-known studio-polished ALIVE II album was released.  Hearing the original recordings one can say, that most of the stuff on ALIVE II are overdubs layed down in the studio. Songs on this boot are way rougher and more kick-ass versions than on the "commercialised" official version.

The Lost Alive II Album and Alive II Demos (1977)

Front Cover Artwork
Download the cover artwork at
1 CD
original Silver CD > iTunes AIFF Encoder with error check > XAct > FLAC (level 8)
60 min